The payback time for solar collectors depends on several factors, including:
Installation costs of the solar collector system: The payback time for solar collectors begins from the moment the system is ready and operational.
Energy prices: If energy prices are high, solar collectors will pay back more quickly because you’ll reduce expenses for water heating and heating.
Efficiency of the solar collector system: High-quality solar collectors are more effective and pay back faster.
Intended use of the solar collector system: If you’re using solar collectors only for water heating, the payback time may be shorter than if you’re also using them for heating support or industrial processes.
Typically, solar collectors pay back in approximately 5 to 10 years. However, this can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. For an accurate calculation of the payback time for your specific solar collector system, we recommend contacting our solar energy specialists, who will take into account Your specific needs.
For pool solar collector systems, for example, depending on the pool’s location (whether it’s indoors or outdoors, whether it’s covered at night, etc.), the type of replaced fuel, and other aspects, payback can start as early as 36 months.